Book Blog

It’s International Women’s Day

Every year, March 8 acts like a speed bump for me. A time to consider the opportunities I enjoy thanks to women who courageously blazed the trail for future generations. Only a few weeks ago we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Betty Friedan’s publication of The Feminine Mystique. The drastic changes for women in American society since the second wave of the feminist movement in the early 60′s, can only be attributed to simultaneous changes in technology and the media.

International Women’s Day also reminds me of a TED talk I heard years ago titled Isabel Allende Tells Tales of Passion. Interspersed with enchanting humor, the presentation is a serious reminder that women are still oppressed in most societies. Today I reflect on the work of one of my favorite writers: Isabel Allende. Her writing style, particularly the passion in House of Spirits and the raw emotion in Paula, has inspired and accompanied me throughout my own literary work. She is a feminist from the bottom of her heart, just as the strong women in her stories who, real or fictional, are moulded by their South American society and who have had to stand up to strong me. Allende’s women emerge victorious. Consider that Chile, where Allende was born, had a woman President from 2006-2010: Michelle Barchelet!

I wonder how long it will be before we have a woman at the helm of our Government? We, presumably the most democratic of all modern societies, we, who have had a string of women functioning as Secretaries of State… can we really envision a woman leading us?


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