Today is February 2nd, Candlemass. Candelaria, as we refer to it in Latin America. The name implies that it has to do with candles. This Christian holyday has been sidelined for a very long time. I really don’t know why, perhaps candles are no longer as important as they were before the discovery of electricity. In any event, on this day candles are blessed in Christian churches, primarily to remind believers that Jesus is the Light of the world.
What I love about this day is that it is midwinter. We are exactly half way between Winter solstice and Spring equinox. While I was living in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, Candelaria was the day when flower vendors assembled in the plaza to the right of the cathedral, and all gardeners came to buy seedlings and already blooming plants for the gardens. It was a truly beautiful display of color and excitement. Planting time as the northern hemisphere moves into ever longer days; soon it will be time to think of planting veggies again.
I cherish Candlemass with its promise of Spring. As I honor the Light that shines so brightly in Celestial Beings and reminds us that we, too, have a bright shining Light within us.
Light and Love to all!