Posts Tagged 'Russian adoption ban'

Epithany, or Dia de los Reyes

Epithany, or Dia de los Reyes

In some parts of the world the feast of children (celebrating the birth of Christ) takes place on Epithany, January 6th.

My family adhered to German tradition and exchanged gifts on Dec. 24, when at midnight, so the story goes, Christ was born. But because we lived in Guatemala, we also followed the local tradition of having a creche under the Christmas tree. I was in charge of arranging the Nativity Scene, and made sure to place the silvery four-pointed Star ...

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Russians should be encouraged to adopt Russian children

Russians should be encouraged to adopt Russian children

The conditions in this particular Russian orphanage do not appear to be unsavory, but the picture seems a bit staged. The Reuters image appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Dec. 28, 2012.

These days the media is filled with commentaries regarding Vladimir Putin’s bill banning US citizens from adopting Russian children. It is well known that the action is a “tit-for-tat” retaliation that should not have created political pawns out of orphans, ...

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