
Posts Tagged 'place of birth'

Russians should be encouraged to adopt Russian children

Russians should be encouraged to adopt Russian children

The conditions in this particular Russian orphanage do not appear to be unsavory, but the picture seems a bit staged. The Reuters image appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Dec. 28, 2012.

These days the media is filled with commentaries regarding Vladimir Putin’s bill banning US citizens from adopting Russian children. It is well known that the action is a “tit-for-tat” retaliation that should not have created political pawns out of orphans, ...

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Split at the Root: revelations from a life’s journey

Split at the Root: revelations from a life’s journey

Does it matter where and under what circumstances you are born? What is really interesting is where life takes you. It is generally believed the outcome is based on choices made in life. While that assumption is valid for most, I don’t believe it’s the case for those of lowly birth who were removed from such an existence due to being adopted into more comfortable circumstances.

Taking into account my lowly birth in a far away jungle ...

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