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Russians should be encouraged to adopt Russian children

Russians should be encouraged to adopt Russian children

Children at an orphanage in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. A new law would ban Americans from adopting Russians.

The conditions in this particular Russian orphanage do not appear to be unsavory, but the picture seems a bit staged. The Reuters image appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Dec. 28, 2012.

These days the media is filled with commentaries regarding Vladimir Putin’s bill banning US citizens from adopting Russian children. It is well known that the action is a “tit-for-tat” retaliation that should not have created political pawns out of orphans, the weakest children in any society. One needs to set aside the little one’s and their prospective US parents’ disappointment. One also should set aside several well-known incidents where Russian adoptions in the US took an ugly turn. Particularly the one of the boy who was placed on an airplane to Moscow with simply a note pinned to his jacket. But Russia is not one of the lesser-developed societies. With this decision, the Russian government should simultaneously take serious steps to have their orphaned children adopted by their own people. In the long run, it is the most compassionate approach, and it is best for the children to grow up within their own culture.

Although I have concerns about the emotional wellbeing that comes when growing up alienated from one’s culture, I am in favor of international adoptions where the pros outnumber the cons. However, living within the culture one is born into brings the grounding needed for a healthier acceptance of self.

Those children who have already bonded with their prospective American parents should of course be allowed to complete the adoption process. Let’s hope not too much time goes by before the bill is declared obsolete and the heartache can come to an end.


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