Archive for 'Thoughts on Aging'

Stages That Become Stories Within One’s History

Stages That Become Stories Within One’s History

Off to Jamaica,1955Inspired by my last post on the danger of having a single story, I considered my own life with the different stories that contributed to forging my personality. Each new start began with a physical move and crossing each threshold came with significant apprehension: what would I face as I stepped, like the trusting Fool in the ...

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Brief Musings on Aging

Brief Musings on Aging

Yesterday, on the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, Goodreads offered a quote of hers: “Aging is not ‘lost youth’ but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

How appropriate to the way I was feeling, for I’d earlier read an email from a friend in Germany who wrote to me after reading Split at the Root. We were students at the language academy in Munich. While she embarked in a ...

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