Archive for 'International Women’s Day'

Women’s History Month: Part 2: Honoring The Mother I Loved.

Women’s History Month: Part 2: Honoring The Mother I Loved.

In the past few blogs I’ve written about wanting to love my birth mother Rosa, a woman I did not get to know. The mother who raised me, however, I knew and loved dearly.

She was 50 when she decided to keep me. her name was Esther, but I called her Mutti, for she was German. She was born in 1888, while Queen Victoria still ruled in England. Picture being raised by a Victorian woman! I could ...

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March, Women’s History Month: Let’s Honor Our Mothers

March, Women’s History Month: Let’s Honor Our Mothers

This blog post was inspired by Denise Oliver Velez’s diary in The Daily Koz, in which she writes about the almost complete lack of representation of non-White women when female merits are praised during this month. It comes down to the usual, that history is written by the victors, and those have belonged, in our time and age, to the White race.

I was thinking of blogging about women writers whose ...

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It’s International Women’s Day

Every year, March 8 acts like a speed bump for me. A time to consider the opportunities I enjoy thanks to women who courageously blazed the trail for future generations. Only a few weeks ago we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Betty Friedan’s publication of The Feminine Mystique. The drastic changes for women in American society since the second wave of the ...

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