Archive for 'Childhood Bulimia'

Relaxed Eating Habits

Relaxed Eating Habits

I like to read blogs on the Adoptive Families Circle website where a multitude of concerns regarding blended families are always addressed. This time I found a delightful book titled Bringing up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting, by Pamela Druckerman. She discusses the values of a more relaxed approach toward children, such as she experienced in France. At first it appeared ...

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Eating Disorders in Adopted Children

Eating Disorders in Adopted Children

Yesterday I participated in an interesting webinar titled Love Me, Feed Me offered by Katja Rowell M.D through Adoptive Families. Based on my experience and research, eating disorders in children are not unusual, particularly when talking about exotic children. From adoption expert Dr. Rowell, who is a family doctor and childhood feeding specialist, I learned that it does not matter whether the child is adopted at birth or later. ...

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