Archive for June, 2013

The Lost Daughters: An Intensely Thought Provoking Website

The Lost Daughters: An Intensely Thought Provoking Website

Thailand's WishesFor the past several weeks I’ve been following posts on The Lost Daughters website, where Karen Pickell and other contributors discussed The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking and the New Gospel of Adoption, by Karen Joyce. The thoroughly researched issues in the book have finally exposed the machinations of the adoption industry. For that, Karen Joyce ...

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Why do Africans Typically not Adopt Their Orphaned Children?

Why do Africans Typically not Adopt Their Orphaned Children?

Aids Orphans in Africa

As I was considering Josephine Baker adopting a dozen children of different races, ethnicities, and cultures to prove that people of diverse backgrounds can live in peace and harmony with each other, I remember a conversation I had with an East African friend a few years ago regarding the AIDS epidemic that orphaned so many children throughout sub-Saharan ...

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Josephine Baker: I Knew Her

Josephine Baker: I Knew Her

The first time I met her was at the Bogner store in Munich. I was a young actress and fashion model, she was in her mid 50s, already a legend. She came up to me, paid me a few compliments and realizing my failure to recognize her, said “I’m Josephine Baker.” Well, I was struck dumb. I knew who the legendary Josephine Baker was, but words failed me when I had her ...

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