Archive for November, 2012

Response to the Adoption Goddesses excellent blog post

Response to the Adoption Goddesses excellent blog post

Elizabeth Hunter, a well informed, erudite mother of four internationally adopted children has an interesting, informative, supportive blog. In her latest post she addresses specific ways for strangers to avoid asking insensitive questions of adoptive parents.

Three years oldThis is my response to one of the issues she raises in her ...

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Insensitive Questions need to be answered directly

Insensitive Questions need to be answered directly

Does a questioner have the right to want to know about an adopted child’s birth parents? This issue was presented last summer in Creating a Family. A young mother who adopted a mixed-race child agonized in a blog post Is His Father Black? about what to tell people when they asked her about the child’s racial mix. She would explain that the child’s father was Black and the mother White, but ...

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I Want Straight Blonde Hair, Like my Friend’s

I Want Straight Blonde Hair, Like my Friend’s

So here I am, considering straightening my hair again. It’s something I’ve not done in some 12 years, probably longer. Although the style has stayed the same for so long, I consider it fortunate that I can play around with my look, although for the most part, I am pleased just having it naturally curly and short. It’s a choice I made when I came to the US where I found suitable, but unpleasant beauty parlors. That is ...

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